Expert Consultant
Vascular Surgeon
Expert Consultant Vascular Surgeon working for a busy City of London hospital for one of the largest NHS trusts in England. Mr Sharma has worked at most of the prestigious London Vascular Centres. He provides tried and tested methods of varicose vein treatment using cutting edge practices in Vascular Surgery. Treatment options for unsightly veins include minimally invasive techniques such as laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy and also open surgery.
His academic interests in vascular surgery have led to numerous publications and he was awarded an MD thesis in 2015 for his research on the safe and effective monitoring of patients after endovascular interventions.
He is also involved in training and teaching undergraduate, post graduate doctors and upcoming surgeons.

Thread Vein
Free ultrasound scan (worth £200)
Experienced Consultant Vascular surgeons
Same day minimally invasive treatment
Immediate results
Free compression stockings
Free aftercare
Modern clinical facility in the heart of London
Independently rated 4.5/5 on Google reviews
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consultation +
treatment now
Ultrasound Scan included
Call now to book an appointment with our consultant vascular surgeon who will examine your veins and confirm the diagnosis with an ultrasound scan at the same time. There is no obligation to proceed with treatment and our prices are transparent with no upselling.
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Consultation & Treatment

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What to Expect

What are thread veins?
Thread veins, also known as spider veins or telengectasis, are typically seen as prominent vessels – most often on the lower legs. This is a harmless condition which can be easily treated to restore a normal appearance to the skin.
Thread veins are more common in women, after pregnancy and with increasing age.
These small veins can be successfully treated with an injection, known as sclerotherapy.
What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a form of treatment utilised across the UK by specialist vascular surgeons to safely and effectively treat thread veins by injecting a special chemical which destroys the thread veins and so they are no longer visible.
Depending on the area affected you may need only a single session whereas larger or more significantly spread veins will require more than one session. Our surgeon will perform an ultrasound scan (at no extra cost) during the consultation to better understand your specific requirements.

Will I be awake for the procedure?
Sclerotherapy is minimally invasive and does not require a general anaesthetic. Therefore, you will remain awake throughout the procedure - which is carried out under local anaesthetic with minimal downtime allowing you to return to your routine.
Will sclerotherapy work for me?
Depending on the size of the thread veins and the ultrasound findings, you will be advised on suitability for the treatment - which for the vast majority of patients is an injection that destroys the veins.
The number of treatment sessions required will vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of the veins. Often patients will require 2 or more sessions over a period of time to see maximal results.
Some larger veins may require a different approach, such as foam sclerotherapy or the use of a laser treatment (EVLA).

Our Top Rated Clinic
Here at the London Dermatology Clinic, we do everything we can to make patients feel at ease.
Our unrushed atmosphere in our purpose-built flagship venue in the heart of London ensures that every patient has their needs taken care of, their questions fully answered and any options spelt out clearly.