Skin Cancer Treatment In London With Dermatologist
Skin cancer is now the most common cancer. There are about 35 new cases of malignant skin cancer diagnosed in London and the UK, in general, every day. These rates have more than quadrupled within the past three decades. Despite the scariness of cancer, there are several treatment options available for those who are diagnosed with the disease.
Why Choose Us?
The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Also known as BCC, it is a non-melanoma cancer and usually not a fatal illness. It usually manifests as a scaly or rough patch of skin that is red or brown in color. Several treatments can be effective in treating BCC, including radiation therapy, topical medications, photodynamic therapy, and surgery which has an excellent cure rate.
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How To Find London Dermatology Clinic
Our clinic is conveniently located in Central London with easy commuter access. If you are looking for skin cancer treatment in London, you can find us from the nearest stations below.
Nearest Stations (Walking Distance)
Monument/Bank (3 mins) | Cannon St (7 mins) | London Fenchurch St (7 mins) | Tower Hill (10 mins) | Aldgate Station (12 mins)
Mansion House (12 mins) | London Bridge (12 mins) | Liverpool St (18 mins) | Moorgate (18 mins)