
Dermatitis Insights: Types, Causes, and Expert Treatments

Dermatitis, characterized by skin inflammation, manifests with symptoms such as swelling, redness, dryness, cracking, and potential infection. The condition can arise from exposure to irritants, allergens, or unknown factors. At The London Dermatology Clinic, our dermatologists offer treatments to alleviate symptoms and prevent recurrence.


Types of Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis:

Caused by exposure to irritants or allergens.
Irritants include acids, alkalis, antiseptics, dust, and more.
Allergens can be metals, cosmetics, textiles, plants, etc.

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema):

Common in individuals with hay fever, asthma, or food allergies. Consult with an eczema specialist in London for personalized care.

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis:

Characterized by red, scaly, greasy skin with yellow spots.
Known as cradle cap in babies, prevalent on the scalp in older individuals.

Nummular Dermatitis:

Eczema causing coin-shaped areas of skin inflammation.

Statis Dermatitis:

Itchy skin on limbs of older people with circulation issues.

Contact Dermatitis Details

A common type of skin condition affecting the hands, contact dermatitis arises from exposure to various irritants in everyday environments like home, school, and work. Potential irritants encompass acids, alkalis, antiseptics, dust, soil, water, perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, detergents, and solvents.

Factors Influencing Dermatitis Symptoms

Several factors exacerbate symptoms:

Jobs involving wet work or frequent hand washing.
Exposure to hot or cold, dry air.
Friction against the source of irritants; reactions to washing powder are often worse at the neck, armpits, and waist.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

This skin allergy may occur due to sensitivity to:

Metals (copper, cobalt, nickel).
Cosmetics, fragrances, nail varnish, and hair dyes.
Preservatives in medicines and toiletries.
Rubber and latex.
Textile dyes and resins.
Plants like chrysanthemums, daffodils, tulips, and primula.

Understanding Dermatitis Triggers

Identifying the specific triggers for dermatitis can be a challenging task, as the causative factors vary widely. Sometimes, the irritant or allergen is easily recognizable, such as exposure to harsh chemicals or certain plants. However, in many cases, pinpointing the exact cause requires professional assistance. Skilled dermatologists utilize advanced diagnostic techniques, including skin allergy testing, to unravel the mysteries behind allergic reactions, ensuring a tailored and effective approach to treatment.

Comprehensive Dermatitis Care

Beyond diagnosis and treatment, comprehensive care for individuals dealing with dermatitis is essential. Our dermatologists in London prioritize educating patients on effective preventive measures and lifestyle adjustments that can significantly reduce the likelihood of flare-ups. By addressing the root causes and empowering patients with knowledge, professionals aim to provide not just immediate relief but also long-term management strategies for individuals navigating the challenges of dermatitis.


Can Dermatitis be Prevented?

While complete prevention may be challenging, adopting protective measures, such as avoiding known irritants and allergens, can help minimize flare-ups.

Is Dermatitis Contagious?

No, dermatitis is not contagious. It is an inflammatory skin condition triggered by various factors, including irritants and allergens.

How Long Does Dermatitis Treatment Take?

Treatment duration varies based on the type and severity of dermatitis. Our specialists create personalized plans, aiming for both short-term relief and long-term management.

Are There Side Effects to Dermatitis Treatments?

Side effects are minimal with proper treatment. Our dermatologists carefully select therapies to minimize adverse effects while maximizing effectiveness.

Can I Wear Makeup or Skincare Products with Dermatitis?

It depends on the type and cause of dermatitis. Our specialists can recommend suitable, hypoallergenic products that won’t exacerbate symptoms.

Is Dermatitis Curable?

While there may not be a definitive cure, effective management and symptom relief are achievable through proper medical guidance and adherence to recommended treatments.