5 Acne Treatment Myths You Need To Stop Believing
Acne is a problem faced by almost everybody at some point in their lives. However, there are many misconceptions and acne myths which we need to debunk from our London Dermatology Clinic. If you have had persistent troubles with acne and want to make sure you stay on top of your overall skin health, you need to make sure you are well-educated on the subject.
Here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about acne:
Myth 1. Adults Don’t Get Acne
If you have been told that acne is a teenager’s disease and that adults never have to worry about the issue, this is not true. Acne is an ailment that can affect children, teenagers, and adults. It does change in appearance and treatment in adulthood since older individuals have different levels of oil production that causes pimples, but the same symptoms remain. Many adults treat their acne through facial cleansers, nasal strips, and other treatment products, but getting professional treatment is the most effective solution.
Myth 2. Stress Causes Acne
While stress can affect different hormone levels, there is no evidence that it actually contributes to acne. Our experts in acne treatment at the London Dermatology Clinic agree that the typical individual won’t experience a greater case of acne with more stress, nor will that individual’s face clear up with a lack of stress. Instead, the main cause of acne troubles has to do with clogged pores that experience blockages at a level beneath the surface of the skin. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t try to avoid stress, of course. The less stress you can experience in your day to day life, the healthier you will be. However, it will make no major change in the amount of acne your experience.
Myth 3. Scrubbing Your Face Clears Up Acne
If you want to make sure that your pores remain as free of debris as possible, you should make sure to give it a gentle cleanse no more than twice a day. Many people believe that vigorous scrubbing is a way to remove impurities in the skin, but this is actually more likely to damage your face, not make it better. The majority of acne begins below the surface of the skin, so harsh scrubbing could actually make it worse. Using a gentle soap or acne-specific product can help. If you remain in doubt as to which product you should use, you can always consult somebody who provides professional acne treatment in London for some detailed knowledge of the subject.
Myth 4. Acne Is Contagious
Acne is not a contagious skin infection which means it cannot spread from person to person. This is a common myth simply because of acne bacteria. This has a key role to play in its development but it cannot be transmitted and it is a non-contagious skin infection. However, for general hygiene purposes, it is not a good idea to share a towel or pillow with someone else if you have acne. To put it simply, acne is an accumulation of pimples or spots in a particular skin area which is a result of several underlying causes.
Myth 5. Toothpaste Can Clear Pimples
Toothpaste will not clear your pimples and it is not safe on your skin. However, applying toothpaste on pimples has been a common myth on the internet for many years. This is simply poor and dangerous advice which we had to debunk at the London Dermatology Clinic because fluorides in toothpaste can worsen acne and irritate healthy skin. Another ingredient that is often found in toothpaste is sodium lauryl sulfate which can be too harsh on blemishes and is known to irritate skin.
These are just the most common acne myths out there. More in-depth knowledge can be obtained through dermatology clinics and other sources that provide acne treatment. Here at the London Dermatology Clinic, we have acne specialist dermatologists who take a keen interest in restoring your confidence by helping you achieve clear skin. Remember that acne is a problem that millions of individuals in the UK experience every day, so your problems are likely normal and easily solved.