Can Laser Treatment Remove Acne Scars?

If you have acne scars and feel that you have tried every removal method, you may have heard of laser treatment.

Can laser treatment remove acne scars? In truth, the results will depend on various complex factors but it can help reduce the appearance and make it appear less visible. However, laser treatment cannot completely remove acne scars.

In this post, we will review laser treatment for acne scars and look for alternatives. Here at the London Dermatology, we have acne specialist dermatologist who take a keen interest in restoring your confidence by helping you achieve clear skin.

Acne scar removal

What is laser treatment?

Laser treatment uses light energy to remove skin cells from the surface which can stimulate the production of new skin cells and collagen in the skin.

As a result, laser treatment can be targeted to the affected areas and tackle acne scars by resurfacing the skin.

How does laser treatment work?

Clinics that perform laser treatment will begin by numbing your skin with an anesthetic cream which means you won’t feel much during the treatment, however, your skin can feel sore afterward because of the way the laser works.

The laser is a beam of light that will be focused on the scars, and it can remove the outer layer of the skin from the scars, which can help grow the new skin back.

How do I prepare for laser treatment?

Doctors will usually recommend that you should wait until your acne has cleared up before you try laser treatment to get rid of any scars, which is because you will need to be prepared to have multiple treatment sessions and to look after your skin carefully while it is healing.

It is best advised to keep out of the sun and ensure that your skin is clean will prevent complications such as infections and help you to get the best results from the treatment.

Will laser treatment work for your acne scars?

Laser treatment can be effective for acne scars, but it does depend on various factors, and it is not guaranteed to work for everyone.

The results can depend on many factors, from the type and severity of the scar to individual differences in the way that skin heals.

The best way to find out if laser treatment can help with your acne scars is to arrange a consultation with an experienced dermatologist.

The doctor will be able to provide personalised advice on which treatment is right for you and what kind of results you can expect to see.

Acne scar removal with Dermapen FNS (what will work )

Unsightly skin blemishes such as acne can lead to scarring and acne scarring is just as disfiguring, and worse, it’s normally permanent.

Thankfully, science is catching up to these unpleasant scars, and effective, powerful treatments are entering the market in the form of efficient clinical products with great results.

Enter the Dermapen FNS, an acne scar treatment device that can drastically improve the look, feel, and health of skin easily.

If you too feel you have tried everything, it is then time you see our acne specialist dermatologist who takes a keen interest in restoring your confidence by helping you achieve clear skin. Start your acne scar removal today with a Dermatology Consultation.


What are the expected results of laser treatment for acne scars?

Laser treatment can help reduce the appearance of acne scars, making them less visible. However, complete removal of scars is not guaranteed. The results can vary depending on factors like scar type and individual healing.

Is laser treatment painful?

During laser treatment, your skin is numbed with an anesthetic cream to minimize discomfort. However, you may experience some soreness afterward as the skin heals.

Can I undergo laser treatment if I currently have active acne?

It’s generally recommended to wait until your acne has cleared up before considering laser treatment for acne scars. Clearing up active acne first allows for better results and fewer complications.

How many sessions of laser treatment will I need?

The number of sessions required can vary depending on the severity of your scars and your skin’s response to treatment. A dermatologist will assess your specific case and recommend a treatment plan.

Are there any precautions I should take before laser treatment?

To prepare for laser treatment, it’s advisable to avoid sun exposure and keep your skin clean to prevent infections and optimize treatment results. Your dermatologist will provide specific pre-treatment instructions.

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